In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the general information of this website is indicated below:

– Owner: Pau Chinestra Bordera, hereafter BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS

– Address: C/ Santiago Apostol, nº 53, 46370, Chiva (Valencia).

– Contact: 677822888 /

– CIF: 22596535R

This web site, including the set of web pages that comprise it, (hereinafter “Web Site”) belongs to BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS, through which users or customers of the same (hereinafter “User” or “Users”) can access various information and services on travel and tourism.

All access to this Web Site is subject to each and every one of these General Conditions of Use of the Web Site (hereinafter, “General Conditions”), in the version published and in force at the time the User accesses the Web Site. Therefore, it is mandatory that the User carefully read the General Conditions before using the Web Site, as well as the particular conditions that, if applicable, complement, modify or replace the General Conditions in relation to certain services and contents of the Web Site, given that they may have been modified since the last time the User accessed the Web Site.

The User declares that he/she is of legal age and has the legal capacity to acquire the services offered through the Website.

Access to the Website is prohibited to Users residing in jurisdictions where its content is unauthorized.

  1. Contracting services through the website

This Web Site is directed to the end consumer, and may only be used for the purpose of gathering information to make a purchase on it, and may not be used for other purposes without the express written consent of the owner of this Web Site.

By way of example but not limitation, it is not permitted:

a) Use the Web Site in contravention of current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order.

b) Use the Web Site for purposes that are harmful to BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS or any third party, or that in any way may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the Web Site.

c) Introduce into the network programs that may cause damage to the computer systems of BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS, the company that provides the tourism or travel services (hereinafter the “Service Provider”), suppliers or third party users of the internal network or of the Web Site.

d) Include information from the Web Site in price comparison search tools.

e) Accessing the Web Site by means of a robot, spider or any automatic search tool or program.

f) Conducting mass searches in proportion to the purchases made on the Web Site.

g) To carry out speculative, false or fraudulent solicitations or contracting.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS reserves the right to deny at any time, without prior notice and without the right to compensation, access to the Web Site to those Users who do not comply with these General Conditions, or with the specific conditions that may apply in each case. If BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS has reasonable grounds to consider that an order has been placed in contravention of these General Terms and Conditions it is entitled to cancel the order and may inform the relevant authorities.

Users should be aware that the contracting of the aforementioned services is governed by the specific or particular contractual conditions, according to the applicable legislation in each case, that are agreed by the Users with the Service Provider of the same and BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS.

In particular, the following conditions shall apply generally:

  1. Browser and operating system

The Web Site screens are optimized for use with Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2 (and higher versions), Safari, Chrome and Opera browsers under Windows, Mac and Linux environments. BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS is not responsible for the results or damages that may be caused to Users by the use of other browsers, different versions, or operating systems, other than those for which the Web Site has been designed.

The information contained in the Web Site is provided for the convenience of Users. BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on the Web Site. However, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS is not responsible for the information that the User may obtain through links to external systems that are not under the control of BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS.

BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS adopts reasonably adequate security measures. However, the User should be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that the service depends on vulnerable external and internal elements.

In addition, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS uses reasonable efforts to keep the Web Site up to date and in good working order. However, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS makes no representations or warranties that access to the Web Site will be uninterrupted, uninterrupted or error-free. Nor can it guarantee that the content or software that the User may access through the Website is free of harmful elements, viruses, interferences, breakdowns, omissions, disconnections or other elements that may cause damages to the User or alterations in the User’s software or hardware computer systems or in its electronic documents and files.

Likewise, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS shall not be liable for any damages of any nature arising from the use of the Web Site, including but not limited to those caused to computer systems or those caused by an inappropriate use of the Web Site, interruptions or defects in telecommunications that may occur in financial or similar operations, or those caused by third parties by means of unlawful interference beyond the control of BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS.

  1. Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights of the Web Site, its source code, design, navigation structure, software, databases and the different elements contained therein are owned by BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS, which has exclusive rights to exploit them in any way and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, modification, distribution, public communication, transfer, making available and transformation.

All names, designs and/or logos that make up this Web Site are duly registered trademarks. Any improper use of the same by any person other than their legitimate owner may be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.

The intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties must be respected by anyone who accesses the Web Site, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS recognizes in favor of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, and their mere mention or appearance on the Web Site does not imply the existence of rights or any responsibility whatsoever for them, nor any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation.

For the purposes of preserving possible intellectual property rights, in the event that any User or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights by the introduction of certain content on the Website, they must notify BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS of this circumstance, indicating:

– Personal data of the interested party.

-Owner of the allegedly infringed rights. In the event that the claim is filed by a third party other than the interested party, he/she must prove the representation with which he/she is acting.

– Indication of the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the Web Site.

– Sufficient proof of intellectual property rights.

– Express declaration in which the interested party accepts responsibility for the truthfulness of the information provided in the notification.

  1. Links to other websites

BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS, within the Web Site, may make available to Users connections and links to other web sites managed and controlled by third parties. BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS does not endorse or guarantee any of these third party Web sites, which have been included as a convenience to Users. Therefore, it assumes no liability whatsoever, even indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any kind that may arise from the access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents, information, communications, opinions, statements, products and services existing or offered on the web sites not managed by BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS and which are accessible through the Web Site.

Users accept that BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time and without prior notice the connections and links that may appear on its Web Site.

  1. Content provided by other users on the website

BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS assumes no responsibility for the content or any type of transmissions that Users include on its Web Site or between Users. The responsibility for the statements disseminated on the Web Site is the sole responsibility of those who make them.

Any type of data transmission by Users on the Web Site or other accesses controlled by BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS that infringe practices contrary to good faith, customs, morals or public order is prohibited; that infringe the property rights of third parties, those with threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, indecent, irreverent, illegal content; that imply an apology for terrorism; that infringe human rights, or the transmission of any other material that constitutes or incites conduct that may be considered a criminal offence.

It is prohibited to advertise or offer for sale any type of goods or services, conduct surveys or contests, or send messages requesting chain letters.

BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS, as a general rule, does not review, filter or approve the content of Users. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS reserves the right to remove any content provided by the User that is contrary to the General Conditions, as well as to prevent or prohibit the User from accessing the Web Site, all at its sole discretion, without prior notice and without the User being entitled to any compensation whatsoever.

If the User believes, at any time, that the contents of another User do not comply with the General Terms and Conditions, he/she may notify BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS by e-mail to the Customer Service Center. Upon receipt of any such notice, BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS will use its best efforts to remove from its Web Site any content that may violate the General Conditions.

BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS will cooperate, if required by court order or by the relevant authorities, in identifying the persons responsible for those contents that infringe the law.

The User authorizes BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS to use the images or contents provided on the Web Site, in whole or in part, free of charge. All this with the sole exception and limitation of those uses or applications that could infringe the right to honor, morality and/or public order, in the terms provided for in the legislation in force in each country. BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS disclaims any liability for any use that a third party may make of such content.

  1. Partial nullity

Due to the decentralization of the legislative and control function of the legal framework that affects the activity carried out by travel agencies, it is possible that the General Conditions may be subject to different jurisdictions or regulations. Therefore, in the event that any condition of the General Conditions is void or voidable, the validity of the same as a whole shall not be affected by such circumstance.

The legally ineffective condition shall be replaced by a new one, or interpreted in a legally acceptable manner, which is as close as possible to the condition that would have been entered into had the ineffectiveness of the condition in question been known.

  1. Enforceability

The fact that BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS does not require on one occasion the User to comply with any condition of the General Conditions will in no way affect its right to require compliance on a subsequent occasion or the right of any other party to require compliance.

Any waiver by BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS of any of the rights or powers derived from the General Conditions must be made in writing. Failure by BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS to require strict compliance with any condition shall in no event be deemed a waiver, nor shall it deprive BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS of the right to subsequently require strict compliance therewith.

  1. Law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed in each and every one of its ends by Spanish law and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia city, for any actions and claims that may arise from this relationship, as long as a specific jurisdiction is not established by law.

BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS may offer the opportunity for the User to access its Web Site in different languages. However, in the event of any conflict or contradictory interpretation between the General Conditions of the different versions, the Spanish language version shall prevail over the rest.

© 2022 – BEYOND VALENCIA TRIPS – All rights reserved.